Marshall PEDL-91001 2-way Footswitch MA-Series


Marshall PEDL91001 2-Way Footswitch for MA-Series

The Marshall PEDL-91001 two-way footswitch for the remote selection of channels and the enabling of the boost function.

 The left button controls the channel selection and is labelled 'Clean/OD'. Above this switch the associated red LED will be off when the Clean channel is selected and on when the Overdrive channel is selected. The right button enables the boost function for the Overdrive channel. This can be preset to 'on' even while playing in the Clean channel, so when you change to Overdrive it's automatically in boosted mode if you so desire. Above this switch the associated red LED will be off when the Boost is disengaged and on when the Boost is selected.

 The main features of the Marshall PEDL-91001 include:

 For use with all MA Amplifier Units2-way controller

Solid metal construction

Original Marshall part